



A cinematograp is equipment that can be used for filming, projecting, and printing invented by the Lumiere brothers in the 18th century. It was a name for the newest product at that time, but later it became a general name for primitive movies.
Once there was a time when all the people were trying to create an image with expanse. Walt Disney was one of them. He used to try out an image which seemed real to the audience by creating a screen which surrounded them at an angle of 360 degrees.
Through pursuing the image with expanse, I came across the panoramic picture. Since the panoramic kit of the compact camera is handy, it doesn't disturb my mood to take pictures. With regard to the quality of the print, maybe I should have used a Brownie (a medium-sized camera) . However, I chose to be able to take pictures at the very moment when I was impressed by something without losing the feeling.
I take pictures at random when I have an inspiration. Whenever I am impressed by something, I take pictures of it at once. The encounter with the ordinary scenes through an inspiration, no matter if it is by chance or not, is enjoyable.
I cherish the atomosphere which lies there.
At the very moment I have an inspiration, I seal up the air with a compact camera at once. I would be very glad if, in my wide pictures, you could feel the expanse of the air between the subject and I which I cherish most.